Ice skating is a great way to stay physically fit and have fun.

The Ice Centre at the Promenade Learn to Skate Program is a great place to start for any aspiring hockey player or figure skater.

Our lessons are taught by qualified professional skating instructors in small groups using the curriculum of the Learn to Skate USA Program (formally known as U.S.F.S.A. Basic Skills Program).  We offer our lessons year round to allow skaters to continue to progress through the skating levels and advance their skating.

We offer lessons for all skill levels, age 4 up through adults.

Junior Jags Ice Hockey Lessons

Want to learn to play hockey? Let the Jaguars show you how! The Hyland Hills Hockey Association (HHHA) has teamed up with our Learn to Skate program and has developed a program that allows you to get a real taste of the sport. This program is run by the HHHA coaches and introduces all of the same fundamentals that the hockey association builds on throughout their season. It is designed as a LEARN-to-play hockey program introducing BEGINNERS to the basic skills of the game in a safe and positive learning environment. It is a fun way to develop hockey specific skills as well as a love for the game of hockey! Hockey skills are introduced through structured age and ability appropriate mini games and skill specific stations emphasizing fun.

Come step onto the ice and become a Junior Jaguar! We request any new skaters who have never taken lessons before to first complete a minimum of one beginner level skating class (Snowplow Sam 1 or Basic 1) prior to enrolling into the hockey lessons.  Please also note that as skaters become more proficient in their hockey skills, the coach may recommend Next Steps within the HHHA and may limit attending future sessions.

The skater will need to have hockey skates (may rent from us), helmet (with full cage or shield), neck guard, shin guards, elbow pads, gloves and a hockey stick for the lesson.  HHHA may have some equipment players may use (not all sizes are available).  Please contact Coach Anna, the Grow the Game Coordinator with HHHA, at to set up an appointment for sizing at least one week prior to the first day of class.  Hockey Gear 101 information and how to dress a hockey player – CLICK HERE.

**  The Jr. Jags Hockey lessons will only be available in our lessons from September-March.  The Hyland Hills Hockey Association will run it directly from April-August.  For more information on their upcoming Spring and Summer programming, CLICK HERE.

Father & Young Son Skate Together

Learn to Skate and Junior Jags Ice Hockey Sessions

Youth Hockey Players In Game

We are currently in the middle of our Spring 1 Lessons.

Our Spring 2 Lessons will begin in mid-April and we will be opening up registration on Tuesday, March 11th around 10:00am.

Our Fall, Winter and Spring lessons are once a week for 6-weeks (or 5-weeks if a 5-week session) on either Wednesday early evenings or Saturday mornings.

Our Summer lessons are twice a week for 3-weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the early evenings.

Skaters will have six (6) or five (5) 30-minute group lessons and then additional practice time on a different rink other than their lesson. Lesson times are determined by the level the skater is going into. Skaters who are currently enrolled in our lessons and wish to continue in our regular lessons, we ask that you wait to register for the next session until after the final lesson when skaters are evaluated. This will allow skaters to register for the correct level.  This does not apply to skaters interested in doing the Jr. Jags Hockey lessons.

Skaters interested in doing the Jr. Jags Hockey lessons should not wait for their final class to enroll for the next session. Our Beginner classes and Jr. Jags Hockey classes do fill up so make sure to register early for these classes and make note of the registration opening date!

Please note: While we often encourage our hockey players to participate in multiple sessions of Jr. Jags, as your athlete becomes more proficient, we will recommend NEXT STEPS and may limit attending future sessions.  As a reminder, the Jr. Jags Hockey lessons is a LEARN-to-Play program introducing the BASIC fundamentals of the sport.  If you are unsure about your athlete’s qualifications, please contact Coach Anna at with any questions.

The Hyland Hills Hockey Association will run the Jr. Jags hockey lessons from April – August and you will register through them directly during this time.  For more information on their Spring and Summer programming and to register, CLICK HERE!  

WINTER – 2025 (6-WEEKS)


  • January 8th – February 19th (no class on 2/12)

  • Lesson time will be 5:00pm-5:30pm or 5:35pm-6:05pm

  • Practice time will be 4:15pm-5:30pm

  • $99.00

  • Registration opens Tuesday, December 10th around 10:00am


  • January 11th – February 22nd (no class on 2/15)

  • Lesson time will be 10:00am-10:30am or 10:35am-11:05am

  • Practice time will be 10:15am-11:30am

  • $99.00

  • Registration opens Tuesday, December 10th around 10:00am

SPRING 1 – 2025 (6-WEEKS)


  • February 26th – April 2nd

  • Lesson time will be 5:00pm-5:30pm or 5:35pm-6:05pm

  • Practice time will be 4:15pm-5:30pm

  • $99.00 ($89.00 – Jr. Jags)

  • Please note:  Jr. Jags will be a 5-week session and will end on March 26th

  • Registration opens Tuesday, January 28th around 10:00am


  • March 1st – April 5th

  • Lesson time will be 10:00am-10:30am or 10:35am-11:05am

  • Practice time will be 10:15am-11:30am

  • $99.00 ($89.00 – Jr. Jags)

  • Please note:  Jr. Jags will be a 5-week session and will end on March 29th

  • Registration opens Tuesday, January 28th around 10:00am

SPRING 2 – 2025 (5-WEEKS)


  • April 16th – May 14th

  • Lesson time will be 5:00pm-5:30pm or 5:35pm-6:05pm

  • Practice time will be 4:15pm-5:30pm
  • $89.00

  • Registration opens Tuesday, March 11th around 10:00am

  • NO Jr. Jags Hockey Lessons – please visit the HHHA website!


  • April 19th – May 17th

  • Lesson time will be 10:00am-10:30am or 10:35am-11:05am

  • Practice time will be 10:15am-11:30am

  • $89.00

  • Registration opens Tuesday, March 11th around 10:00am

  • No Jr. Jags Hockey Lessons – please visit the HHHA website!

SUMMER 1 JUNE – 2025

Tuesday & Thursday

  • June 3rd – June 26th (no class on 6/17 or 6/19)

  • Lesson time will be 5:00pm-5:30pm or 5:35pm-6:05pm
  • Practice time will be 4:15pm-5:30pm
  • $99.00

  • Registration opens Date TBD around 10:00am – will update soon!

  • No Jr. Jags Hockey Lessons – please visit the HHHA website!


For more information on our Learn to Skate curriculum, please CLICK HERE.

Two Little Kids On Ice

Snowplow Sam 1

BEGINNER CLASS for children who are 4 – 5 years old and with little or no skating experience.  Class times will be during the first half hour on the lesson day. 

The skater will learn basic balance and skating skills in an age-appropriate setting.
Any skaters who have never been in lessons before and are between the ages of 4 and 5 years old will start at this level.

Snowplow Sam 2, 3 & 4 

For skaters who are 4 – 5 years old with some skating experience and have completed Snowplow Sam 1.  Class times will be during the first half hour on the lesson day.
Kids On Ice Learning To Skate

Basic 1 

BEGINNER CLASS for children age 6 up through 14 years old.  Basic 1 (6-8 years old) will be during the first half hour and Basic 1 (9-14 years old) will be during the second half hour on the lesson day.  

This class provides basic skating skills, both forward and backward.
Any skaters who have never been in lessons before and are between the ages of 6 and 14 years old will start at this level.

Basic 2 – 6

After completing Basic 1 or Snowplow Sam 4, skaters continue to work on their skills through Basic 6.  Basic 2 (5-8 years old) will be in the first half hour and all other classes will be in the second half hour on the lesson day.

Pre-Free Skate

This class is a combination of Basic 7 and 8.  Class times will be during the second half hour on the lesson day.

Skaters will begin to learn a variety of progressive skating skills, transitions, spins and jumps.
It is recommended for skaters to have their own skates by this level.  Please visit the Ice Centre Pro Shop for skate recommendations.

Free Skate 1-6 (no test) 

After completing the Pre-Free Skate class, skaters will then work on the Free Skate 1-6 levels.
After completing the Pre-Free Skate class, skaters will then work on the Free Skate 1-6 levels. We do not offer the Free Skate test levels within our Learn to Skate lessons. Skaters are encouraged to sign up for classes in the Rocky Mountain Figure Skating Academy Aspire Program to work on the skating elements that are learned within these levels. Please visit the Rocky Mountain Figure Skating Academy page of our website for more information on the classes offered. Private lessons are also the next step for skaters working on these test levels.

Please visit the Figure Skating page and select, “Meet our Coaches” to learn more about all the staff coaches who do private lessons here at the Ice Centre.

Adult With Skates Over Shoulder

Adult 1

BEGINNER CLASS for skaters who are 15 years old and older.  Class times will be during the first half hour on the lesson day.

Any adults who have never been in lessons before will start at this level.

Adult 2 – 6

After completing Adult 1, skaters can progress their skills through Adult 6.  Adult 2 will be during the first half hour and Adult 3-6 will be in the second half hour on the lesson day.

The Adult levels are special classes designed for the mature skater.

Junior Hockey Players Practicing

Hockey classes under the Junior Jags

Classes are designed as a LEARN-to-Play program introducing the basic fundamentals of the sport of hockey.   

Skaters will need to have hockey skates (can rent), a helmet, neck guard, shin guards, elbow pads, gloves and a hockey stick for the lessons.  HHHA may have equipment players can use (not all sizes are available).  Please contact Coach Anna, the Grow the Game Coordinator with HHHA, at to set up an appointment for sizing prior to the first day of class.  For the safety of our skaters, any skaters that are not in the appropriate equipment may not participate in the class.  Hockey Gear 101 information – CLICK HERE

Once skaters are ready to move on from the Jr. Jags Hockey lessons, here are some NEXT STEPS after Jr. Jags.

8U Hockey – If your hockey player is eight years old or younger, skaters will join the 8 and Under Hockey program.  The HHHA 8U program is co-ed and is based on USA Hockey’s American Development Model where player FUNdamental skill development is the focus.  CLICK HERE for more information on the 8U program!

9 and older Hockey – If your hockey player is nine years old or older, skaters can join the HHHA within several different programs.

  • IN-HOUSE Hockey is for beginning hockey players coming out of Jr. Jags and families will not be required to attend any functions outside of the Ice Centre.  CLICK HERE for more information on the In-House program!
  • The GIRLS hockey program fosters a fun and empowering environment for girls of all skill levels to learn to love hockey.  We offer both recreational and competitive divisions.  For more information on the Girls program, CLICK HERE.
  • The RECREATIONAL Hockey program offers a fun, inclusive environment for players of all ages and skill levels to enjoy hockey without the pressure of high-level competition.  For more information on the Recreational hockey program, CLICK HERE.
  • The COMPETITIVE Hockey program is more than just a program; it’s a breeding ground for elite athletes who excel both on and off the ice.  For more information on the Competitive hockey program, CLICK HERE.

Please Note: The Jr. Jags Hockey Lessons will be ran directly through the Hyland Hills Hockey Association from April-August and you will register through them during this time.  For more information on their Spring and Summer programming and to register, CLICK HERE.

Program Details

Price Per Session

$99.00 ($89.00 if a 5-week session) – There is a $5.00 discount for skaters who live in the City of Westminster or Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District. Skaters must have a valid Hyland Hills or City of Westminster Discount Card to qualify for discounted rates. For online registrations, the discounted rate will be applied once the address is verified. You will see the discount on your bank statement. All skaters enrolled in our lessons will be registered in the Learn to Skate USA program.

Skate Rental is $2.00 per lesson
– this is a $1.00 discount from the regular skate rental rate. Skate rental can be paid at each lesson or may be paid upfront at registration – Skate Rental that is paid upfront is now $10.00 for a 6 lesson session ($8.00 for a 5 lesson session), so you get one lesson day FREE! Make sure to add the Skate Rental option when you register online.

First Day of Lessons

Skaters should arrive early to allow time to check in at the front desk and get their skates on. Skaters should dress warmly in comfortable clothing and wear gloves or mittens. Bike or hockey helmets are not required but are recommended for the younger skaters. Skaters enrolled in the Jr. Jags Hockey lessons will need to have hockey skates (can rent), a helmet, neck guard, shin guards, elbow pads, gloves and a hockey stick for their lesson.

For the first and second day of lessons, the skaters will meet their instructor in the lobby of the green rink by the sign with their Skating Level listed. The remaining lessons the skaters will meet their instructor on the ice.

Instruction / Practice

All lessons are 30 minutes in length with practice time offered on a different rink other than their lesson that will be either before or after their class depending on the class the skater is enrolled in. The practice time coordinates with a regular scheduled public skating session, so parents, siblings or other guests may pay the regular admission and skate rental rate and skate with the skaters during their practice time. Lesson times are determined by the level the skater is going into.

Class Advancement

It is not unusual for skaters to repeat a class multiple times. Skaters are allowed to develop at their own pace. Skills taught build upon each other, and to move a skater up before they master a skill only makes skating more difficult. Skaters will be evaluated each session to determine progress.

Make-Up Lessons

Skaters who are not feeling well should not participate in their class.
There are no refunds or make-up lessons for skaters who miss a scheduled lesson day.
Please note that if classes are canceled due to weather or other circumstances beyond our control, every attempt will be made to reschedule these classes. If rescheduling is not possible, there will not be a class offered as a make-up and refunds will not be issued.

Refund / Credit Policy

Refund requests must be made at least 24 hours prior to the start of the first class. Please be aware that there is a NO refund policy after the session begins

Additional Details

Skaters currently taking lessons – please wait to register for the next session until you have been tested on your last day of class. This will allow you to register for the correct level (does not apply to skaters interested in the Jr. Jags Hockey lessons). Skaters who are interested in the Jr. Jags Hockey lessons though should not wait until their final class to register for the next session.  The Jr. Jags Hockey lessons and Beginner classes fill up quickly so we recommend registering early for those classes and make note of the registration opening date. 

Most classes are limited to 10-12 skaters with the exception of the Snowplow Sam classes which have a limit of 8.

Classes are divided by skill level and when possible by age. Adult classes are taught separately from other classes.
Class times may be moved, combined or cancelled due to enrollment numbers.
  • Learn to Skate Program Director – Robyn Sudkamp
  • Please contact us at or 303-469-2100 for any additional information or questions.

  • All classes are taught using the Learn to Skate USA Curriculum.